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Major projects refresh progress, green infrastructure "accelerate"
2023-09-16 13:38:40

The Qinghai Ma'erdu Hydropower Station, the hydropower station with the highest elevation and largest installed capacity under construction in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, 

is accelerating its construction and striving to achieve the goal of lowering the gate and storing water by the end of October; Deep in the Tianshan Mountains, the world's longest highway tunnel under 

construction - the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel - continues to extend, and the full face hard rock tunnel boring machine is rapidly excavating at an average speed of 30 meters per day.


Quick installation, synchronous construction pouring operation, process connection and stubble pressing promotion

At present, the Mahogan Hydropower Station is in the peak period of comprehensive construction. We are working hard to accelerate the project construction and ensure that the goal of storing water at 

the gate by the end of October this year is achieved and the first unit is put into operation for power generation next year. Chen Yulin, General Manager of Mahogan Company of National Energy Group, 

told reporters that the average annual power generation of the station is 7.304 billion kilowatt hours. After all are put into operation, it can save 2.56 million tons of standard coal per year and reduce carbon 

dioxide emissions by 8.16 million tons.

On the other hand, the construction of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel is also underway. As a key control project of the Urumqi Yuli Expressway project, the tunnel is about 22.1 kilometers long and needs to pass 

through 16 geological fault zones. The stability of the surrounding rock is poor, and there is a high risk of collapse, water inrush, and mud gushing. China Communications Group has adopted the world's first "

three holes+four vertical shafts" construction plan, reducing the effective construction period of the tunnel from 72 months to 52 months, filling the gap in construction technology for ultra long tunnels in China. 

At the same time, the self-developed full face hard rock tunnel boring machine can achieve safe, environmentally friendly, and efficient excavation in various world-class complex formations.

As of August 29th, the pilot tunnel at the exit end of the Tianshan Shengli Tunnel has been excavated for a total of 10334.5 meters, breaking the 10000 meter mark. At present, the cumulative excavation footage of 

the left tunnel at the exit end exceeds 7006 meters, and the cumulative excavation footage of the right tunnel exceeds 7077 meters. It is expected to achieve the connection of the two main tunnels by the end of 2024 

and have the conditions for opening to traffic by the end of 2025.


Since the beginning of this year, China has accelerated the construction of a modern infrastructure system, orderly construction of a number of major engineering projects such as energy, transportation, and water conservancy, 

and continuous improvement of the modern comprehensive three-dimensional transportation system, new energy system, and national water network, providing strong infrastructure support for serving national strategies.

Data shows that from January to July this year, major power generation enterprises in China completed investment of 401.3 billion yuan in power supply projects, a year-on-year increase of 54.4%; 26 major water conservancy 

projects have been launched nationwide, with a total investment of 620.4 billion yuan in water conservancy construction, all better than the same period last year; Fixed assets investment of national railways reached 371.3 

billion yuan, up 7% year on year; The fixed assets investment in highway and waterway transportation exceeded 1.7 trillion yuan, up 9% year on year.

It is worth noting that while infrastructure construction investment continues to expand, the trend towards "new" and "green" is becoming increasingly evident.

Taking the energy sector as an example, this year the National Energy Administration has continued to promote the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases, major hydropower projects, and pumped storage,

 achieving new breakthroughs in the development of renewable energy.

In the first half of the year, China's investment in non fossil energy power generation accounted for 88.6% of the completed investment in power engineering, and the power industry continued the trend of green and 

low-carbon transformation. "Hao Yingjie, Secretary General of the China Electricity Enterprise Federation, predicts that driven by the rapid development of new energy power generation